Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah
Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah, Abortion with the Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso is an alternative method for ending an early pregnancy up to 63 days. Taking the Abortion Pill DOES NOT involve a surgical procedure or sedation.
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Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah
Medical Abortions by the Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah, Mifegymiso (Mifepristone/Misoprostol) was approved to be used when in need to terminate pregnancy.
The Abortion Pill has been successfully and safely used in Europe, Asia, Africa and other parts of the world.
Abortion with the Abortion Pill – Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah is an alternative method for ending an early pregnancy up to 63 days. Taking the Abortion Pill DOES NOT involve a surgical procedure or sedation.
The pill also allows a woman to have an abortion in the comfort and privacy of their own home.
The way that Mifepristone works – is by blocking the hormone progesterone, a hormone naturally needed by the body to maintain an early pregnancy. It causes an early pregnancy to stop growing and detach from the uterine wall. Checkout Misoprostol Pills in Marsa Dubai that work effectively.
The Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah works naturally by ending an early pregnancy, similar to an early miscarriage. Another hormone – prostaglandin, has to be taken 2 days after Mifepristone to assure expulsion of the gestational sac.
95% of women choosing the pill require only one appointment in our clinic.
A follow-up blood test to measure whether the pill was successful or not is done at a local lab.
Once we have received your results and assess them, we will follow up with you over the phone.
You cannot buy the abortion pill online or through a pharmacy. Only specially trained doctors in abortion care can purchase and dispense Mifegymiso (The Abortion Pill).
Our clinic doctors and nurses are specially trained in abortion care and we have superior knowledge and many years of experience.
The Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah (Mifegymiso) is a three-step process:
Step 1:
On the first day, you will take the first medication Mifepristone. Mifepristone will destabilize the lining of your uterus and end the pregnancy. You cannot reverse the effects of the medication once you take it.
Step 2:
The second day of 4 pills, Misoprostol, are taken at home, 24-48 hours later. Misoprostol tablets cause the uterus to contract and evacuate the pregnancy naturally.
Step 3:
The follow up is blood work that is done at a local lab (ex: Dynacare or Lifelabs) to measure whether the pill was successful or not.
The Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso) is up to 95-98% effective. If the Abortion Pill is not successful, an aspiration procedure (D&C) will be necessary to evacuate the pregnancy.
To make an appointment to have a Medical Abortion please fill out the following form
Medical Abortion Booking Form
Medical Abortion (The Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah) – FAQ
Q: How long does it take for the process to be completed?
You will need at least 1 visit. Some women may require 2-3 visits. 95% of patients doing a medical abortion using Mifepristone will be completed in the first week. Bleeding usually starts within 30 minutes to 3-4 hours after using the Misoprostol and may be heavy for 4-8 hours. You may continue to have some bleeding or spotting for a few weeks. There is a 5% chance of a delayed reaction. This does not mean you need surgery but does make the process take longer as you may require more medication and time to pass the tissue.
Q: Can the Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah fail?
There is a 3-5% failure rate with this medication and if they have failed to induce an abortion it is recommended that you return to the clinic for uterine aspiration to complete the procedure as the medication is known to cause fetal demise.
First week:
95% are completed
1% will fail after 1 week and need aspiration abortion
2% will require aspiration because of heavy bleeding
2% will wait longer for the bleeding; could be up to 4 weeks
Q: Do I Qualify for Medical Abortion with the Abortion Pill (Mifegymiso)?
In order to have a medical abortion by using the Abortion Pill – Mifegymiso, you must be no more than 63 days from the first day of your last menstrual period. We will do an ultrasound in our clinic to confirm that you are early enough into pregnancy to take the Abortion Pill. We also will review your medical history to be sure you medically qualify for an abortion with the Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah, Mifegymiso. You must speak and read English well.
Advantages of the Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah (Mifegymiso)
Your significant other or family member can be with you during the entire process. Many women appreciate having loved ones when a miscarriage occurs. It can be performed up to 63 days of the first day of the last menstrual cycle. It does not require a surgical procedure.
Common Side effect of the Mifepristone
*Side effects may include – mild gastrointestinal (stomach) upset nausea; diarrhea; headache; fever and chills or occasional spotting or bleeding.
Common Side effect of Misoprostol
*Abdominal cramping, mild fevers, and mild gastrointestinal (stomach) upset.
*Bleeding usually follows the cramping and can be heavier than usual for several hours. The bleeding then tapers off to light bleeding like a period.
Side effects are typically mild and tolerable, usually lasting a couple of hours but in some cases may last up to a few days. You will be prescribed pain medication and anti-nausea medications to be taken as needed to minimize discomfort.
Q: What I should expect to see after taking the Abortion Pill (Mifepristone and Misoprostol)?
Usually when early in the pregnancy there is no visible embryo. You may experience a heavier period, with some tiny cells that you cannot see, and some tissue lining (like normal shedding as experienced with a heavier period).
Q: Do I need to miss work/school?
One of the advantages is that you can plan when taking the Abortion Pill is convenient. Once you take the second set of pills, the miscarriage usually happens within 45 min. In this case, you don’t have to miss work or school. Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah, However, there are some uncommon instances where the miscarriage is delayed and it does not begin for several hours after taking the second set of pills. In this case, where the bleeding is delayed, we recommend that you stay home until the miscarriage takes place.
Q: Do you have translators?
No. Unfortunately, we receive no government funding for counseling, medication, or translation. The patient should be fluent in English in order to receive the pill.
To make an appointment to have a Medical Abortion please fill out the following form
Medical Abortion Booking Form or Book via WhatsApp.
Abortion Advice for Parents | Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah
We recognize that an unexpected pregnancy can be especially difficult for women, their partners, families, friends and parents. We encourage young patients to talk to their parents if they feel comfortable to do so. Going through an abortion can be a major turning point in a young adult’s life
Studies have shown young women are more likely to experience a favourite outcome after an abortion if their parents are supportive.
We hear from young clients, “I don’t know what I would have done without my mom. She told me she would support me 100% no matter what I chose to do about this pregnancy.”
Your child is more likely to perceive you as completely supportive if you have said you would help with any decision that is made. It is important that you reinforce your promise with action. It is normal for parents to have strong feelings about their daughter’s pregnancy. It is normal to feel worried, sad, angry, or frightened. Your child needs your help and support.
Your first reaction may be shock, disappointment, anger, fear and or sadness. You may be feeling overwhelmed too. After your initial reaction, you will be searching inside yourself for understanding, patience and compassion. Remember, your daughter has chosen to come to you with this crisis. Now you must decide how you will respond to her display of trust.
The most important thing you can do is to listen to what your daughter says about how she feels. It is very important that your daughter feels comfortable making the decision and that she feels that she is the primary decision – maker. This may mean that you need to take step back and let her think this through.
Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah, Of course, you will eventually tell her what you think and how her decision will affect you, but understand that this must ultimately be her decision. Let her explore how she feels first. If your daughter chooses to have an abortion, your care and support will contribute greatly to her physical and emotional health. Patience is crucial. Understand your daughter is as confused, consented and worried as you are.
In our experience, we have found the following to be most helpful:
Be available throughout the abortion experience.
Offer to drive her to and from our office, fill her prescriptions, check in on her frequently and bring her back to the office if a follow up is needed.
Take some time to sit quietly with her and listen to her feelings. Watch her body language.
Reassure her that you love her, will always love her, no matter what
We are here to answer any of your questions and help you with anything you need regarding the abortion process.
FAQs – Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah
What order should I take the pills in?
The pack contains 1 mifepristone tablet and 4 misoprostol tablets. The mifepristone is taken first, followed by the misoprostol tablets 24-48 hours later.
How do I take Misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah?
Swallow one tablet of mifepristone with water. You should wait 24 hours before moving on to step 2, but wait no longer than 48 hours.
Place four tablets of misoprostol under the tongue, and hold them there for 30 minutes while they dissolve. Do not eat or drink anything during these 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes has passed, swallow what is left in your mouth with water.
The misoprostol can also be placed in the vagina. However, the pills dissolve faster under the tongue.
Should I wait 24 or 48 hours after taking the mifepristone to take the misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah?
You should wait 24 hours before taking the misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah but no longer than 48 hours. Take the misoprostol when it best suits you during this time. There is no right or wrong time. Make sure you’re comfortable and have time for the process to begin.
Should I take the misoprostol sublingually (under the tongue) or vaginally?
The misoprostol will be just as effective if you put them under the tongue or in the vagina. The pills dissolve faster under the tongue and can be viewed as being more private.
You may have fewer side effects if you take the misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah vaginally. However, if you are experiencing any bleeding from the vagina, you should not take the tablets vaginally.
What happens if I vomit or swallow the misoprostol tablets in Al Thanyah before 30 minutes have passed?
If you vomit during the 30 minutes that the misoprostol pills are under your tongue, or swallow them before 30 minutes have passed, it is likely they will not work. In this case, it is necessary to immediately repeat the step you are on. If you vomit after the pills have been under your tongue for 30 minutes, there is no need to repeat that step, as the pills have already absorbed into your system.
How will I know the abortion in Al Thanyah is working?
Cramping and bleeding may begin as quickly as 30 minutes after taking the 4 misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah. However, bleeding usually begins within 3-4 hours of using misoprostol. The bleeding should be similar to or heavier than your normal menstrual period. These are signs the abortion is working.
What should I expect when the medicines take effect?
It’s normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) or clumps of tissue when this is happening. It is similar to having a really heavy, crampy period, and the process is very similar to an early miscarriage. You might have chills, feel sick or experience vomiting or diarrhoea. Once the pregnancy passes, the amount of bleeding should noticeably reduce.
I have taken the mifepristone and misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah but have had no bleeding for 24 hours. Can I repeat the process and take the tablets again?
If you have had no bleeding, and if your provider or pharmacist has given you extra misoprostol pills, you can take 4 more misoprostol tablets in the same way as the others. There is no need to take the mifepristone tablet again.
If you still don’t have any bleeding 24 hours after taking the extra pills, call or WhatsApp us.
How do I know if the abortion was unsuccessful?
If you haven’t bled or had cramps since taking Misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah, or you are still experiencing signs of pregnancy such as nausea, breast tenderness, etc. you may still be pregnant. A healthcare provider can perform a pelvic examination or ultrasound to be sure, or you can contact us for further advice.
I am exactly 9 weeks pregnant, can I still take Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah for abortion?
You can still take Misoprostol if your last menstrual period was exactly 9 weeks ago. If it is any later than this, please contact a health professional.
Can I use Misoprostol abortion pill in Al Thanyah more than once in a year?
It is safe to use Misoprostol more than once in a year. Taking Misoprostol is very unlikely to affect your health, including the possibility of getting pregnant in the future.
Can I use Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah if I’m still breastfeeding?
Yes, if you are breastfeeding you can take mifepristone and misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah for medical abortion. There is no evidence to suggest that either medication is harmful to babies. Misoprostol enters breast milk soon after taken, and it is likely that mifepristone does as well. If you are worried you can breastfeed immediately before taking the Misoprostol tablets or wait four to five hours after taking all of the tablets.
Is there an age restriction for medical abortion in Al Thanyah?
There is no age limit for using Misoprostol, however there may be local regulations regarding the use of products for minors which should be taken into consideration.
How long do symptoms last?
The cramping and bleeding can last for several hours. Most people finish passing the pregnancy tissue in 4-5 hours, but you don’t need to worry if it happens sooner or later than this. The cramping and bleeding slows down after the pregnancy tissue comes out.
You may have cramping on and off for 1 or 2 more days. It’s normal to have some bleeding and spotting for several weeks after your abortion. Using menstrual pads can help you track how much you bleed.
What should I do if I don’t have any bleeding?
If you don’t have any bleeding within 24 hours after taking the second medicine (misoprostol pills in Al Thanyah) call our nurse, doctor.
What can I do to ease the pain?
Take pain medication like ibuprofen or paracetamol. Aspirin isn’t recommended because it can make your bleeding worse.
Put a heating pad or hot water bottle on your belly, Take a shower, Sit on the toilet, Have someone rub your back.
How will Misoprostol affect my periods?
It’s normal to bleed and spot off and on for several weeks after taking the abortion pill in Al Thanyah. Your period should go back to normal 4-8 weeks after your abortion. If you haven’t had a period 4 weeks after your treatment and are worried, you could do a pregnancy test to make sure the treatment worked.
How will I feel mentally after taking the abortion pill in Al Thanyah?
After an abortion in Al Thanyah most women feel relieved, but some also feel sad or guilty. Occasionally, although you might feel well physically, it could lead to an emotional struggle. This range of emotions is completely normal. It can help to talk to someone you trust about how you are feeling, or call or WhatsApp us.
Will medical abortion in Al Thanyah have long-term effects on my health?
There is no evidence to show any adverse long-term effects on a woman’s health due to medical abortion.
How soon can I have sex after taking Misoprostol Pills in Al Thanyah?
You can have sex as soon as the bleeding has stopped, and you feel ready. Remember that you can get pregnant again soon after an abortion, so you will need to use contraception if you want to avoid pregnancy.